
Non-volatile memory and SAP HANA - what's all the fuss?

October 21, 2020, 11:00 (webinar - online training)

Opis i cel spotkania

Czym jest i jakie możliwości otwiera przed Twoją firmą pamięć nieulotna?

Zapraszamy na webinar, podczas którego specjaliści Tomek Brzozowski z SE16N i Mateusz Maciejewski z Hewlett Packard Enterprise opowiedzą o tym, jak połączyli siły i przygotowali w pokazowej serwerowni HPE Customer Engagement Center w Warszawie serwer DL380 Gen10 wyposażony w moduły 128GB Intel Optane DC PMEM!

Workshop topics

2021 will be the year of non-volatile memories!

  • How does business continuity affect the functioning of the organization and its profitability?
  • What solutions can increase the efficiency of data collection and processing?
  • Why is non-volatile memory, although it is not a new solution, not (yet) popular?


Tomasz Brzozowski - SE16N and Mateusz Maciejewski - HPE.

Workshop date

October 21, 2020, at 11:00, webinar

How to register?

In order to apply for participation, please fill in the registration form, which is available here


Teaching materials


We invite you to read an interview with Tomek Brzozowski (SE16N) and Mateusz Maciejewski (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), who will talk about non-volatile memory in an interview with Przemysław Kucharzewski (Brandsit)!

Interview available here


We invite you to watch the training video. If you want to find out again what non-volatile memory is and what opportunities it opens up for your company, we cordially invite you!



SE16N sp. o.o. is a unique consulting company which specializes in providing IT services around SAP technology, customer infrastructure maintenance and provision of services in the cloud. We have been successfully combining innovation and reliability for years. We implement modern and very solidly delivered projects for the largest brands.

Our solutions are created by a team of over 50 experienced consultants. We provide services based on the best SAP technology solutions around databases, integration, and technical management of the SAP system. We provide our clients with comprehensive assistance, ranging from IT system audit, recommendation and implementation of solutions, to education and user support, and a 24-hour Help Desk.

Check our comprehensive approach to the client and implement your project with us. We will provide quality at the highest level!

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Atende SA

Atende SA is one of the leading IT companies in Poland, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2012. The company has over 25 years of experience in implementing technologically advanced IT projects. He specializes in providing services in the field of IT infrastructure, network integration, IT outsourcing, cloud computing, cybersecurity and solutions based on blockchain technology. As a Capital Group, we direct a dedicated offer, among others for telecommunications, public administration units, the medical sector, the energy industry and the multimedia market.

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