To fully unlock your potential you need more than one language ... programming language.
You need a Senior Developer with excellent qualifications that will transform the available data into information useful for your business. Someone who will modify and run SAP applications (ABAP / FIORI) and implement Business Intelligence tools (SAP BW, HANA, SAC, Power BI, Celonis). You need a Developer Analyst who knows and uses solutions that integrate all IT systems (Process Integration, Process Orchestration or Cloud Integration) to simplify communication between related elements. You need an Architect who can run a performance audit of the implementation and optimization of ABAP on HANA programs for the purpose of effective data analysis, a Programmer working in the ABAP language and using the capabilities of the Web Dynpro ABAP technology, and a Consultant who will dot the i’s and cross the t’s and check whether your choice of a given SAP license is the optimal one.
Do you think you can find similar specialists like these? SE16N consists of such professionals, who put emphasis on the maximum use of SAP when designing customer solutions.
Our offer also includes ABAP and WebDynpro ABAP programming works. We have know-how supported by many years of experience. When designing and building customer solutions, we place emphasis on the maximum use of the SAP standard.
We offer the following programming services in the SAP area:
Fiori, a set of modern SAP applications, designed on the basis of the latest User Experience practices.
This technology is used in new SAP systems. For the user, it is a layer of a friendly interface, and for the consultant, it is possible to freely configure and administer SAP applications. Thanks to SAP Fiori, the user has the ability to handle many areas from one launchpad and does not need to log in on many systems. From one place, he can use SAP applications in various systems, such as, for example, finance, delivery, sales or HR. SE16N consultants administer and configure SAP Fiori according to user requirements.
Microsoft PowerApps - we create applications using the Power Apps service, the task of which is to improve communication in the enterprise. Together with the client, we analyze the information flow processes and propose solutions aimed at improving communication, accelerating the implementation of tasks and introducing security related to the acceptance of new solutions by superiors. New solutions built by SE16N developers as part of the PowerApps service are built quickly, thanks to custom features that significantly help in creating an application, and sometimes even replace the need to write code. We adapt applications that will protect and accelerate communication in your company to work in the browser and on mobile devices.
SAP HANA XSA - a service thanks to which SE16N programmers can create solutions, create applications in programming languages other than ABAP, and the possibility of using github helps to use useful repositories. Thanks to the containerization of building new solutions, we can be sure that the created functionalities will not affect the functioning of the current environment. Therefore, we have ensured security related to programming work affecting sensitive business processes.
We build SAP solutions of the highest quality by combining them with Azure, AWS and Google cloud technology
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